Donna Hall: Are you Really Listening? How to Better Hear People and Increase Happiness.

When Donna Hall was the Chief Executive of Wigan Council it was facing the third worst austerity cuts in the country and yet, despite this, they won Council of the Year. The reason for this success was undoubtedly the Wigan Deal that Donna and her team created to transform the way the council worked and listened. At the 2022 Happy Workplaces Conference Donna told us about how the Wigan Deal took shape, the skills they learned in the process and how the deal not only changed Wigan but also influenced other councils to change their ways.

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To say Donna Hall changed Wigan during her time as Chief Executive is understating it; her Wigan deal led to a huge 59% increase in resident satisfaction and, even more impressively, a 7 year increase of life expectancy in the most deprived areas of the town. And all the more strikingly this was done during a time where Wigan was facing huge austerity cuts, the third worst in the country in fact. 

Donna was well versed in implementing change, in her previous role at Chorley she had brought in a concept called listening into action, but she was faced with a challenge when she first arrived in Wigan: “The previous management team, that I inherited, were not that interested in what staff thought about the organisation; it was a well performing council but wasn’t very engaging, quite paternalistic and that’s the politicians and the senior leadership team, so there was no systematic listening at all; and one of the first things that I tried to do with my management team was to get them to listen.”

In this video Donna takes us through how she changed the culture at Wigan and transformed not only the leadership team, who she brought in anthropologist Dr Robin Pharoah to teach them ethnography and to redesign the way they listened, but the whole of the council and the way they listened to their stakeholders: “Every member of staff was trained in ethnographic techniques whether you were emptying the bins, whether you’re a senior social worker, whether you are a midwife at the local hospital; we had this thing called ‘The Be Wigan’ experience which was training people in ethnography, in anthropology, in deep listening and then being able to, with what you’ve had, do something about it. And help to reshape and transform the organisation based on the things we weren’t getting right.”

What you will learn in this video:

  • How Wigan Council switched from being a rigid, paternalistic organisation to practising systematic listening regularly.
  • Why building trust is essential when you are trying to change ways of working.
  • How an anthropologist made all of Wigan Council’s mini ethnographers to learn how to listen deeply to people.
  • How to empower teams and how this increases their efficacy.
  • Switching from focussing on processes to focussing on relationships and the results you might see.
  • That cutting costs doesn’t necessarily mean cutting services, indeed it can be the opposite.
  • Examples of how to ‘listen better’.
  • The power in the ‘Art of the possibility’.

Related resources:

  • Read more about The Wigan Deal.
  • Learn more about Radical Help by Hilary Cottam here.
  • The Happy Manifesto by Henry Stewart- click here to get your free eBook, full of great ideas for creating a happy workplace.
  • Click here to find more videos from the 2022 Happy Workplaces Conference.

Learn the 10 core principles to create a happy and productive workplace in Henry Stewart's book, The Happy Manifesto.

Support your aspiring and current managers to be empowering and confident leaders with Happy

Happy offers leadership programmes at Level 3, Level 5 and Level 7, from new managers/supervisor level all the way up to senior leadership teams and CEOs. These programmes are based on the ideas of trusting your people. They are practical and based on applying what yo’ve learnt. We aim to inspire and ignite change in your organisation, as well as giving you valuable management skills such as business strategy, decision-making, negotiation and project management.

We also offer programmes tailored specifically to people from Global Majority backgrounds. The content is the same, but have been designed to give new and experienced managers the skills they need to navigate organisational culture with a clearer perspective on their own potential, as well as building their confidence and expanding their professional strengths.

Billy Burgess

Billy has been writing blogs for Happy since 2017, covering mindfulness, stress management, confidence building and emotional intelligence as well as offering handy tips for Office 365 users. He’s also an established arts, culture and lifestyle writer.

Next Conference: 2025 Happy Workplaces Conference

Our Happy Workplaces Conference is our biggest event of the year, and we’d love for you to join us on Thursday 12th June!

This year’s event will be held in London, venue TBC. We may also offer a hybrid option for people to join us online simultaneously — do let us know if you are interested in joining online and we can add you to the waiting list.

As always, our next conference will be filled with interaction, discussion and space for reflection.

Book now and get our special half-price Early Bird rate — just use discount code Happy2025.

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