Does Your Organisation Have a Coaching Culture?

In this video, recorded from his live session on Wednesday 9th October, Henry Stewart highlights the importance of coaching in the workplace – and asks, does your organisation have a coaching culture?
Word Courses from Happy Computers in London

At Happy, we have been hearing from learners about the different ways you use Microsoft Word. Some of you create multiple documents, often with lots of dynamic content and formatting. Others need to focus on one really big project, such as an annual report or a dissertation, where document structure and multiple drafts are critical. The knowledge and skills you require in each scenario are very different.
Happy’s Apprenticeship Programmes Recognised as Good by Ofsted

The quality of Happy’s apprenticeship programmes has recently been recognised as Good within the Ofsted further education and skills inspection. Ofsted reviewed the overall effectiveness of our quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and apprenticeships, giving us the Good mark on each and every category.
And the Venue for HW19 is….

We are very excited to announce the venue for the 2019 Happy Workplaces Conference!
Ethical Investment: It Has Paid Off For Me

Recently I’ve found myself several times in lively discussions about whether choosing to invest ethically means accepting a lower financial return.
Learning: It’s Personal

What makes a great training course? We’ve done a lot of research on this, and worked with some great trainers to find the answer.
Don’t Tell When You Can Ask

‘Don’t tell when you can ask’ has been the core training principle at Happy since I founded it 20 years ago.
Read more about the reasoning behind this principle in this blog by Happy’s Chief Happiness Officer, Henry Stewart.
Gold and Silver for Happy at the IITT Awards

IT Training Awards: Happy Computers is a “shining light”.
Happy is Celebrating its 20th Birthday

The origins of Happy date back to 1987, when founder Henry Stewart first registered the company and started providing training to friends and contacts.
Why Economies of Scale Can Lead to Higher Prices

Once again we have a government talking about saving money through shared services and combined procurement.